We want to help you make the best toy decisions possible.
Our mission is to provide the in-depth, authoritative, and honest reviews of toys, and do it better than any other website on earth. We care about quaility and we know you do to, so we want to help you make better toy decisions for the kids you care about.
As a parent I was annoyed by the fact that most toy reviews on the web were filled with marketing mush, or smelled like paid product placements. These websites were clearly more focused on selling toys than on honestly reviewing them. We wanted to build a website where both the good and not-so-good about a toy was told, without any pressure to sell anything.
So we put together with a team of talented team of researchers, writers, and web professionals, to research toys and publish in-depth reviews so you don’t have to.
We realize early on that the word "Toy" in our name is misleading. Our “toys” also include puzzles, board games, dress-up accessories, art and craft kits, cardboard boxes, and more. If kids want to play with it, we’ll review it. We just thought that "The Guide for Toys, Puzzles, Games, and Anything Else Children Use to Play" sounded a little clunky.
We'll review anything kids play with. We'll review toys you can buy online, and toys that you can't. We write positive reviews and negative reviews. No one owns us. (We're not venture funded.)
We hit the ground running in the summer of 2015, built this website, and began the laborious task of creating indepth reviews of quality toys. It will take a few years to hit our goal of initial 2000 quality toys, but we're plugging away at building the most comprehensive database of indepth toys reviews available.
Thanks for reading about us. I’m Patrick Bieser, President of the The Guide for Toys, and if there is anything you think we should add to the website, send me a note.